BD38 | Boshang Portable lan Lightweight Rechargeabille Kabeh-Siji
● Cocog kanggo ekstrak DELTA8 / D8 / 9/9/10/10 / CBD / THC / THCO / HHC / HHC / HHC / THCP / LIVE resin / rosin / dimrim cair.
BD39 | BOSHANG Rechargeable All-In-One Disposable with Button
BD39 nggawa pengalaman sing nyaman lan trep kanggo vaping. The shark like oil window balances with the body, and the unique and innovative design seamlessly combines function and style, making the vaping experience easier and more exquisite.
● Cocog kanggo ekstrak DELTA8 / D8 / 9/9/10/10 / CBD / THC / THCO / HHC / HHC / HHC / THCP / LIVE resin / rosin / dimrim cair.
BD39 POD | BOSHANG Rechargeable Disposable Pod
Pod BD39 nggawa pengalaman sing nyaman lan trep kanggo vaping. The shark like oil window balances with the body, and the unique and innovative design seamlessly combines function and style, making the vaping experience easier and more exquisite.[*The tank can be replaced after use.]
● Cocog kanggo ekstrak DELTA8 / D8 / 9/9/10/10 / CBD / THC / THCO / HHC / HHC / HHC / THCP / LIVE resin / rosin / dimrim cair.
MC26 | Boshang 1ml Ora-Caping Stainless Steel Cartridge Posting Cartridge
MC26 minangka kartrij kanthi diameter 11.5mm lan postingan pusat stainless steel. Adopting an integrated oil filling method, the oil filling operation is fully simplifie——there is no need to cap the cigarette mouthpiece after oil filling, achieving an excellent balance between quality and efficiency.
BD57 | Boshang kompak kabeh-siji-siji nganggo layar Smart sing dipasang
BD57 minangka kompak lan portabel kabeh nganggo layar tampilan cerdas sing terpadhi. Iki dilengkapi layar tampilan cerdas sing nglacak informasi piranti kanthi nyata-nyata.siko, kanthi disesuaikan kanthi becik kanggo ketemu pilihan sing beda-beda, nggawe merek sampeyan metu ing pasar.
● Cocog kanggo ekstrak DELTA8 / D8 / 9/9/10/10 / CBD / THC / THCO / HHC / HHC / HHC / THCP / LIVE resin / rosin / dimrim cair.
Bd40 | Boshang kabeh-siji-siji nganggo tombol pamulangan
The BD40 is a sleek and compact electronic vaporizer featuring a button activation, a visible oil window, and a fourth-generation atomizer core, ensuring exceptional atomization of various oils.Customizable colors and oil inlet sizes cater to different brand logos, distinguishing it among numerous Produk.
● Cocog kanggo ekstrak DELTA8 / D8 / 9/9/10/10 / CBD / THC / THCO / HHC / HHC / HHC / THCP / LIVE resin / rosin / dimrim cair.
BD29 | Boshang clog-free dual airflow dual gratis
● [OEM: Rintangan lan ukuran bolongan minyak bisa disesuaikan]